Disability Insurance Awareness Month

Disability Insurance Is the Most Overlooked of the Major Types of Insurance

Many of your client think a disabling illness or injury will never happen to them. But according to a Life Happens* survey, a person has a three in 10 chance of suffering a disabling illness or injury that would keep them out of work for three months or more during their career.

Each May Life Happens coordinates Disability Insurance Awareness Month (DIAM). At IPRG, we want to provide you with the tools to help you educate and inform your clients, friends, and family about the importance of paycheck protection. DIAM offers you the perfect opportunity to talk to people in your community about their income protection needs. Wilson Brokerage has access to the Life Happens materials and therefore can offer you a wide range of tools and resources to make that job easier. Contact Wilson Brokerage today at 513-891-6600 or CONTACT US to find which materials are right for you to share with your clients and prospects.

Download Additional Resources in PDF format below:

Life Happens: Not Me!
Peter Zatir’s 30-second Video

Peter was 45 when he was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Fortunately, Peter had protected his business and family with disability insurance. That allowed Peter to focus on his recovery, without having to worry about how his family’s living expenses would be met.